Why determination is essential in life.
Simply put, determination is the ability to pursue a goal despite a person's external or internal difficulties. By external difficulties, I mean all those that are beyond a given person's control; internal difficulties are those that a person can control. An external example could be the weather, and an internal example could be a lack of faith in one's potential.
People's big problem is a lack of determination in life. They cannot change what they should change even though they know it is not good for them. Living with any unresolved problem leads to even more consequential problems in the future, even though it is not that annoying at the moment.
To develop inner determination, one needs strength and an understanding that this is the only way to solve any problem or achieve a given goal. Even though our chosen goal seems distant and impossible, it all changes when we start enforcing it. The more energy we put into achieving a given goal, the more we see it as achievable. At that moment, all obstacles and fears disappear.
The factors determining a person are very different, such as the desire to change something for the better, such as taking care of your health or improving your finances. One of my favorites is simply making your dreams come true; this also requires determination and often courage. Let's remember that most of the changes in the world resulted from someone's dreams coming true.
For example, someone saw that he could improve something, change it, or speed it up, and despite people's hesitancy, that person persisted in achieving the goal. Sometimes, it took him longer, sometimes his whole life, but he finally achieved the result.
Determination is simply a test of human character. Sometimes, we think we can't do something until we do it. It's as if the goal was not the most important thing but who we will become while pursuing it. What has changed in us, and how will our character change along the way. After all, we came to earth to experience something and learn something. Determination is part of improving a person's character, which always leads to good results.
Human history is full of people who achieved excellent results thanks to their determination. But we cannot forget about those we have not heard about and who changed their lives thanks to their determination -these ordinary people around us.
In each case, determination helped people achieve something important to them or change something they did not want. Thanks to determination, everyone who achieved something in life understood that all the obstacles, problems, or fears were just illusions and that it was just a test of determination.
I know that achieving a goal can be challenging for some people. We all have different lives, problems, and lessons to learn. The fear of failure or other people's judgment also pushes people away from realizing their dreams. But it is always worth being determined to achieve your dreams because if you don't do it, you will always fulfill the dreams of those who dared to achieve their goals.
I wish you, dear reader, to always pursue your dreams and goals. You never know how you and the world around you will change along the way to your goal - until you feel determined to achieve it...