Character is everything...
Sometimes, we wonder what brought a given person to his current state of life, assuming that this point is not necessarily a good one. What caused people to be where they are? What decisions did they make along the way?
As we all know from life, complex tasks give long results, and easy jobs have short results. An example would be taking care of the quality of food we eat, which has a positive effect in the future in avoiding hospitals and doctors. And the best reward for this sacrifice is not just health in old age, but a life filled with vitality and joy - a truly priceless reward.
It would be challenging considering today's easy access to low-quality food. After all, you would have to monitor the quality of your food for a long time. Denying yourself many pleasant but unhealthy meals for an extended period - would be doable but difficult.
The opposite example would be not caring about what you eat. It may be easy in the short term, but in the long term, it will have disastrous results for one's health. Unhealthy food is easy and pleasant to eat. But, after some time, the bill comes in the form of diseases. Unfortunately, what is easy and enjoyable often ends with unpleasant results in the future.
The key to overpowering life's challenges lies in one's character. Our character empowers us to face and conquer any challenges in front of us. Small decisions, like hitting the gym, choosing a healthy meal, or saving money, are steps towards a brighter future, a future we have the power to shape.
Every person's work can be compared to an iceberg submerged in water. What we see as the tip of the iceberg represents the result of activities. A large part of the hidden mountain underwater represents a lot of sweat that someone must put into achieving the goal. People only see the results and don't realize how much hard work someone had to put in to achieve such a result.
Therefore, the part that cannot be seen - the work, is many times greater than the part that can be seen - the results. A simple example is an athlete at the Olympics; we only see the end result of hard work, but preparation, exercise, uncertainty of victory, and fear of losing are simply invisible to us.
Character is the driving force that propels people to the top, and lack of character slowly brings them down. Unfortunately, this law applies to everyone - you must put energy into it to achieve something. This means performing repetitive activities that are something other than what you like or would like to do - but are essential for your long-term success.
Working on character is the duty of every person who wants to achieve anything in life. Of course, you can give up and stay in your comfort zone, but sooner or later, you will have to pay the bill for not doing anything.
Maybe your current living conditions allow you to live an easy life. You don't have to work hard for anything and live in a comfort zone. However, this does not mean that it will always be like this. Change is part of everyone's life.
Accordingly, working on your character will help you solve all problems and achieve all your intended goals. A concrete character is the key to success in any field. People say that life nowadays is difficult. A person with a solid character can cope anywhere and anytime without any problems.